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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-11-05 - 10:44 a.m.

Neko and I were going to go to the cinema last night, but none of the cinemas round here do sufficiently late showings that we could have gone after I finished work. So I figured, if we can't go to the cinema, the cinema shall come to us.


I got a driver to drop me off at Blockbuster and rented out a couple of films. Neko and I watched Dog Soldiers last night. I love that film so much, I can't wait till it's available to buy.

There's going to be some kind of special edition DVD release, apparently. Woo!

That one's due back this evening so I'll drop it off on the way home from uni. The other one, which isn't due back till tomorrow, is Long Time Dead, which I believe is by the same guy that did My Little Eye. And we all know what I thought of that one.

Since Long Time Dead is a totally different format from My Little Eye it might not be as bad, but if it is really terrible then at least it'll be just me who's wasted 90 minutes of their life and not Neko too. We're going out tonight, see, and he's going straight back to his place afterwards.

In other news, I haven't managed to start on my novel yet. The general public are being most uninspiring. No matter, I have a backup plan for just this kind of problem!

Never let it be said that I'm poor at planning ahead :p

Anyway, I have a lecture in just over an hour so getting dressed would be a good plan, I feel. Oh, and if you missed the Ayacon report and are wondering where the hell it is, it's behind you. Or the previous entry to this one, for the non-cryptically minded.


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