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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-12-23 - 7:21 p.m.


Ireland is getting to me already. I'm turning into such a stay-at-home and it's scary. Yesterday I stayed in, watched TV and played Final Fantasy 9. Today I stayed in, watched TV and played Final Fantasy 9. I'm only on the computer now because I tricked myself into believing I was going to get some work done.

I'm probably not going to get anything much - if anything at all - done today. But I want it all out of the way as quickly as possible so I don't have to spend much time engaging with my brother.

I say "engaging" but that's being kind. You shout at my brother and pray to whatever deity you worship that he'll listen to you. And most of the time he won't.

Oh well. Hopefully the town will be more or less completely dead after Christmas so I can just hang around there all day, looking at people I used to go to school with and having them not recognise me at all. It's becoming a game now. I can't tell if that's scary or not. I'll figure it out after Christmas is over. Crowds scare me. Immensely.

Really, I was in HMV in Belfast on Saturday and I started getting the claustrophobia kicking in. I haven't had that since first year, when I worked out that sitting in the corner of the back row of a crowded lecture theatre was a very, very bad idea. So it was weird. And it came on top of me being in an extremely bad mood, but I'm not going to go into that here.

See me ramble.

My butt hurts. I'm going to go find something productive to do.

Which means I'm going to walk from this end of the house to the other end of the house, look around a bit, then go and play Final Fantasy 9 for another six hours. Yay.


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