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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-08-27 - 8:38 a.m.

Three and a half hours and I'll be all done.

I've gone through media effects so thoroughly I'll probably get the first question done within 45 minutes or so. Unless really bad writer's block hits me. Really, right now you could shout a random name at me from this particular area and I could tell you their full name, who they worked with, what year their theories were developed and what their theories were. Then I can pick them apart by using other theories, social structures and a few relevant theorists.

In short, I will ice that first question.

The second question is the one that's unnerving me. I'm going to write about "New Audience Research", as they call it. It's really closely linked with media effects, as well as feminism and cultural hegemony depending on which side of the pond you're on. Writing about it shouldn't be too bad, it's just a case of me getting as much information into my head as possible. If I can get an essay plan scribbled down before I go into the exam that'll be really helpful. It's kinda advantageous to be getting the same questions as we were given before, this way I'm just retreading old territory. I passed the exam last time but only just, so I should get a semi-reasonable grade this time around.

Argh, my PC is having a blonde moment, hang on a sec...

OK, sorted. I hate when random programs just seem to open up and run of their own accord. Spooky.

Anyway, I suppose it'd be best if I got dressed and attempted to eat something before my exam. I can go buy a sandwich or something if it comes to it but it'd be cheaper if I ate here. Besides, if I eat here I can make my essay plans while I wait...


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