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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-07-16 - 11:37 a.m.

Wahey! Yours truly has been featured in *this* diary entry!

A few nights ago I clicked on a link banner that brought me to the above diary, and there was an entry about the misuse of the English language. A bit more reading and I found there were two entries about said subject. So I thought I should contribute a couple of examples I've run up against, and there they are.

For the last bloody time, people, "blatant" and "obvious" are NOT the same bloody things! And those of you who misuse it know very well who you are =glares=

So, yesterday I spent a couple of hours looking at preserved human corpses. And let me tell you, a couple of hours isn't long enough to look at the whole exhibition. We didn't even get to look around the whole of the first floor before I had to leave. I told my friend that she could stay and look around the rest so she could get her money's worth but she figured she'd get lost if I wasn't there, so we had to bypass most of it. Oh well, I know Becca wants to go so we can arrange to go out there some time when I'm not working. And get there early.

I think my dad would like to see it too, actually. When he and my mum get back from France I'll see if I can encourage him to come over to, umm... help me move out! Yes...

I wouldn't consider Bodyworlds to be an "art" exhibition though, whatever the creator and the press say. I'd say it's a highly innovative spin on an anatomical exhibition, but I certainly wouldn't call it art.

I got a postcard of the horse and rider exhibit, and one of the rabbit's vascular system. I'll scan them and put them up at some point. The rabbit's vascular system looked kinda fluffy, actually. My sister would scream her head off if I showed her though.

Anyway, I'd better go get in the shower or something...


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