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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-05-05 - 1:48 p.m.

It's just occurred to me just how much I dislike cosplay these days.

There was a party at Neko's house last night so I've spent the weekend there. He and Adi were trying to convince me to change my mind about not going to cons anymore, but it's not happening.

I'm realising more and more reasons not to go, too, apart from the whole dissilusionment-with-the-UK-anime-scene thing. It's too close to Christmas, for one thing, and I'll be in my third year by then and I don't want any distractions.

Anyway. Happier things. Neko gave me a hide sweater! YAY! Although Bunny says he looked at it and thought it had Cyndi Lauper on it. GAH!! >_<

Never mind. I've discovered something fun about this shirt, but I'm not going to tell. Well, I'll tell Aya. She'd have an extra appreciation for it :D

They're showing Cats on TV. I remember watching it a few years ago and there's something about it that's unsettling me now, for some reason. Maybe it's just that these people don't look or act like cats, they just look and act like people dressed up as cats.

That fat one reminds me of my cat though. Yay!

Right, I'm going to go do the dishes and cook something. I'm hungry. Oh, and my flat is still tidy. Yay!

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer scare me...


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