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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-04-13 - 9:46 p.m.

OK. Yesterday morning I was depressed. Yesterday afternoon was cool. Yesterday evening, and last night, I remember as being immense fun but then I can't remember all of it.

Today I have a horrendous stomach ache and I hardly dare trying to eat anything much. Neko and I had some soup when we got back from King's Cross (we stayed with *The Agent* in his hotel room last night because travelling home, at that time, in our condition, would have been something close to suicide), and I think I need to eat more but I still feel too sick.

I'm never drinking again. And if I do, it won't be like that. No downing whiskey for me again. No.

I'm going to crawl into bed shortly and hope my stomach settles, but first, The Agent made me promise to mention his birthday present to me.

A Lenore lunchbox. How fucking cool is that?!

It's got a picture of her with a deranged look on her face saying "I've been embalmed!" on the back. And there's a piggy on the bottom. Piggy! :)

Oooooohhhh..... fuck. I'm going to try and find something that will fix this, and fast...


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