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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-06-22 - 9:21 p.m.

Wow. Korea won.

This means that my interest in the World Cup has not quite gone yet. And that's weird.

Me, being interested in football. Scary, scary.

Apparently my activities tomorrow will involve me going with my mum and sister to church. Ugh. At least I'm getting to sit in the car and read or listen to music or something.

My mum thinks my problem with that church was the former minister. And she'd be right, but not completely right. I don't like most of the congregation either.

My parents' church has the following problem:

There are old people. Lots and lots of old people. Then there are middle-aged people, all of whom are married with kids of various ages. Then there are the younger people (ie mid 20s-late 30s) who are also married with kids. Then there are lots of little kids under the age of 14.

Did you spot the gap there? There are hardly any people in their teens or early twenties. People in my age group. And the only ones who are in my age group there are not people I would want to associate with.

In other words, there's my brother and his mate David. David being the one who sent me a collection of religious tracts when I started university (including that all-time favourite, "What God Expects of Women", which had a picture of a woman with a small child on the cover. Hmmm). He also sent me a tape... of him talking. He said I could record something onto the tape and send it back to him. I think I put Bad Religion on there. Hee :D

Anyway. The reason why there are no teens and twenties is because they've all left. They all got fed up. That church has the most sterile atmosphere possible outside of a tropical disease research lab, and any attempts to liven it up a bit and so make it more interesting or accessible to people my age have been rather swiftly suppressed by the older ones. And the older ones are more valued than the youth, despite the fact that the youth will be around a lot longer than the older ones.

And I have no desire to make idle chit-chat with homophobic elderly people (or homophobic people of any age, for that matter), nor do I want to stand around and have small children throw themselves at me.

They can sense my hate, I swear.

So, I'll be bringing my copy of The Shawshank Redemption and the Requiem for a Dream soundtrack and dozing, no doubt.

Right. Food...


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