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Honestly, Beautifully : honey blade

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2002-08-25 - 7:58 a.m.

Well, a day of hard study awaits me. Plus Neko and I are going to Colindale this afternoon at some point, so I may as well write this entry now.

Yesterday there was another UKA meetup, which I wasn't able to go to for the whole day, unfortunately, because of work. But I met some people in the early afternoon and then met everyone else later that evening, after I'd finished work.

A handful of us got together in the Wetherspoons near Leicester Square and just hung around chatting. Well, they all wanted to start getting drunk, but I couldn't because of work. I did decide to order myself some lunch while I was there though, and settled on a baked potato with cheese and baked beans.

Apparently baked beans are the best (ie healthiest) things you can have with a baked potato, whereas cheese is the worst. Am I benefitting my health or being detrimental to it? :D

Anyway. I went down to the bar to order it and when I did, the guy behind the bar leans over to me and says in a soft voice;

"Thank you for ordering vegetarian food."

Ummm... OK. I asked him why he was thanking me, he just said "think about it and you'll know why."

Now, through all this there'd been a slightly overweight, middle-aged man standing next to me waiting to be served. He suddenly interjected with "I EAT BEEF. WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?!"

At that point I was getting freaked out so I took my ticket and my drink and ran off.

I rejoined the small group and we started chatting. After a while it got around to weird dreams. See, earlier this week I had a weird dream that I was painting Lunar with an orange ice lolly, and while I'd been a bit tipsy I'd thought it'd be a good idea to tell him this.

Now, of course, I was sober and he wanted me to expand upon it. I told him I'd been using the ice lolly as a deterrent but I don't remember what I was trying to deter him from. Lunar said he was proud to be a part of such a weird dream. Then I decided to tell him about the best weird dream I'd ever heard of.

No, unfortunately it wasn't mine, it was someone from my past who's now a bit of a nonentity.

Anyway, the person in question had dreamt that he was married to a chicken. To add an extra dimension to this, apparently he'd also had a selection of chickens as his potential brides.

So I was telling Lunar about this but the other three people who were sitting around the table gradually began hearing bits and pieces of the story and soon they all knew it. And they were all laughing their heads off.

Appreciate that a couple of these people only know me by my screen name. One of them has now said I no longer need a screen name, I shall just forever be "the one who knows a guy who dreamt he married a chicken". Lunar was pressing for more details, like if there were blue chickens. Everyone else just wanted to know what the selection process would have been like. Unfortunately, these were gaps I couldn't fill in.

Course, when I next saw these guys they were quite drunk and needed to be reminded of the story. Funnily enough, they didn't remember the premise but they did remember that there had been a selection of chickens to choose from. Yep, dreaming you're married to a chicken is one thing, dreaming you had several to choose from in the first place is what's really fucked up =grin=


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